Thursday 5 July 2012

SharePoint MVP for another year

I’m privileged again to receive the MVP award for SharePoint. This is the 4th year for me and I definitely enjoy being part of the program. I’ve met a lot of great people, and I’ve had a lot of interesting conversations with product group folks - e.g. recently helping define how some upcoming IntelliTrace features for SharePoint development should work. Every year I like to jot down on my blog the community “things” I did in the previous year - this list is mainly for me rather than you, but here are some the things I got up to:

I also gave a couple of talks at Tech Ed U.S. recently, but I think technically they fall into the next “MVP year”.

As always though, I know I could do a far better job of serving the community, and blog comments are something I continue to struggle with. Seems the more articles are added to your “back catalogue”, the more comments will be generated. More recently I’ve started publishing them even if I haven’t got time to contribute an answer myself, but specific questions on what I’ve written will always get priority.

Anyway, it’s been a fun year – and with the next version of SharePoint round the corner, I think the next one will be even better :)


Nigel Price said...

Well Done Chris !

nicofars said...

(and the International SharePoint Conference in London)

Well done Chris ! We are certainly glad to have good people like you leading the Sharepoint community.
Looking forward to another great year.

fabian said...

Excellent job man! Great to finally meet you... fabian

Paul said...

Congrats mate, a worthy appointment to the MVP program!

Anonymous said...

Chris, congratulations!

Eric Shupps said...

Congrats, mate! Be good to have you around another year. Don't think you're getting out of speaking in London next year, though - you don't have any more excuses left!

- Eric Shupps

Chris O'Brien said...


Hahaha!! Thanks mate. Maybe I'll move house again just to get out of it ;) (Just kidding Steve!)


Unknown said...

Congrats mate, well deserved