Sunday 22 June 2008

Content Deployment Wizard updated - Release 1.0

I've released a new version of the Content Deployment Wizard today, labelled as 'Release 1.0'. This release adds only minor changes to beta 2, and is mainly intended to pave the way for a future beta release which will contain new functionality. However I also want to communicate that the current codebase is now stable, since I heard feedback from some folks saying the 'beta' label was putting some people off (e.g. non-technical clients of SharePoint consultants).

That said, the following minor updates have been incorporated:

  • ability to modify which lists are filtered out of the treeview:

    Certain 'system'-type lists are not shown in the treeview as they are generally not relevant to import/export operations, but on occasion you may want to 'unhide' some lists e.g. 'Variation Labels' and 'Relationships List' lists if you are using variations. See the readme.txt file for instructions on how to do this

  • minor bug fixes e.g. .cmp file now correctly saved with extension if a period (.) is present in your chosen filename, validation to prevent child objects being added from treeview when parent site collection already added

The new version can be downloaded from

Future development

Work is underway on the next release of the Wizard, with the main emphasis being on:

  • allowing import/export operations to be scripted
  • allowing settings used in an operation to be saved to a file for easy reuse
  • support for incremental deployments (hopefully!)

If you have other suggestions, I can't guarantee I can include them in the next release but I'd certainly be interested to hear.


Anonymous said...


I'm new using this tool and i'm giving it a quick tryout.

I have currently an error when importing my content into another empty sharepoint list.

Here is a revelant snippet of the import log :

[6/30/2008 4:23:37 PM]: Verbose: Deleting...
[6/30/2008 4:23:37 PM]: Progress: Importing ListItem /sites/ACSI2/archive2/Rapports?id=345.
[6/30/2008 4:23:37 PM]: Verbose: Deleting...
[6/30/2008 4:23:37 PM]: Progress: Importing ListItem /sites/ACSI2/archive2/Rapports?id=346.
[6/30/2008 4:23:37 PM]: Verbose: Deleting...
[6/30/2008 4:23:38 PM]: Progress: Importing ListItem /sites/ACSI2/archive2/Rapports?id=321.
[6/30/2008 4:23:38 PM]: Progress: Importing ListItem /sites/ACSI2/archive2/Rapports?id=322.
[6/30/2008 4:23:38 PM]: Progress: Importing ListItem /sites/ACSI2/archive2/Rapports?id=323.
[6/30/2008 4:23:38 PM]: Progress: Importing ListItem /sites/ACSI2/archive2/Rapports?id=337.
[6/30/2008 4:23:38 PM]: Progress: Importing ListItem /sites/ACSI2/archive2/Rapports?id=338.
[6/30/2008 4:23:38 PM]: FatalError: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ListItemSerializer.GetFileUrl(SerializationInfoHelper infoHelper, SPWeb web)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ListItemSerializer.GetListItem(SerializationInfoHelper infoHelper, SPList list, Boolean hasAttachments, Guid& destDocId, Boolean& isDeleted, Boolean& isIdTaken, Boolean& bUserInfoList, String& listItemUrl, Int32& listItemId)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ListItemSerializer.SetObjectData(Object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context, ISurrogateSelector selector)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.XmlFormatter.ParseObject(Type objectType, Boolean isChildObject)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.XmlFormatter.DeserializeObject(Type objectType, Boolean isChildObject, DeploymentObject envelope)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.XmlFormatter.Deserialize(Stream serializationStream)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ObjectSerializer.Deserialize(Stream serializationStream)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ImportObjectManager.ProcessObject(XmlReader xmlReader)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.SPImport.DeserializeObjects()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.SPImport.Run()
[6/30/2008 4:23:38 PM]: Progress: Import Completed.
[6/30/2008 4:23:38 PM]: Finish Time: 6/30/2008 4:23:38 PM.
[6/30/2008 4:23:38 PM]: Completed with 0 warnings.
[6/30/2008 4:23:38 PM]: Completed with 1 errors.

Anyone with clues?

Thanks a lot!

Chris O'Brien said...

Hi Pascal,

This is an error with the underlying SharePoint API which should resolve itself if you install the the post-SP1 Content Deployment hotfixes. Andrew Connell points to the description in this post:

KB's are now out for the two content migration/deployment QFE's recently released



Karim Aziz said...


I am trying to import some content, and I got this error in “Importing List Documents”. any clues guys?

Progress: Importing List Documents.
FatalError: The event receiver type is invalid.
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventReceiverDefinition.ValidType()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventReceiverDefinition.ValidReceiverFields()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventReceiverDefinition.UpdateInternal(Boolean isMigration)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.EventReceiverSerializer.UpdateEventReceiver(SPEventReceiverDefinition eventReceiver, XmlElement eventReceiverData, SPImportSettings settings)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.EventReceiverSerializer.SetObjectData(Object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context, ISurrogateSelector selector)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ListSerializer.UpdateListEventReceivers(SPList list, Dictionary`2 listMetaData, StreamingContext context, ISurrogateSelector selector)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ListSerializer.SetObjectData(Object obj, SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context, ISurrogateSelector selector)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.XmlFormatter.ParseObject(Type objectType, Boolean isChildObject)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.XmlFormatter.DeserializeObject(Type objectType, Boolean isChildObject, DeploymentObject envelope)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.XmlFormatter.Deserialize(Stream serializationStream)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ObjectSerializer.Deserialize(Stream serializationStream)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.ImportObjectManager.ProcessObject(XmlReader xmlReader)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.SPImport.DeserializeObjects()
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Deployment.SPImport.Run()